Environmental Policy
EnSilica plc is committed to minimizing the environmental impacts from our global operations. Protecting our global environment is vital for future generations that will one day inherit our planet. EnSilica works with key business partners to ensure that our global operation is as sustainable as possible. EnSilica will continuously improve our environmental performance and will work towards gaining full environmental management accreditation (ISO14001).
Our commitment
- Reduce the consumption of resources and improve the efficient use of those resources we use.
- Measure our current direct carbon footprint and take measures to reduce our emissions including office commuting and business travel.
- Ensure environmental criteria are considered when sourcing new goods and services.
- Manage local waste that is generated and encourage recycling and reuse of waste materials.
- Manage all our operations to ensure that we prevent pollution in all areas.
- Ensure we comply with the highest environmental building standards.
- Comply with all domestic environmental laws and regulations.
We will ensure this policy is implemented throughout all functional areas of EnSilica by:
- Ensuring all our employees understand the environmental impacts of their own jobs and tasks.
- Informing all our suppliers of the requirements to comply with our environmental policy when providing goods and services.
- Providing the management and resources necessary.
- Periodically reviewing environmental issues at all levels including board level.
- Reviewing the policy and its effectiveness on an annual basis and ensuring it kept in line with current environmental legislations and regulations.