
EnSilica provide a comprehensive range of encryption and authentication IP for ASIC and FPGA targets with low resource usage and high throughput.

An essential part of any cryptographic solution is a high quality True Random Number Generator (TRNG).  The TRNG is fully compliant to NIST 800-22 and is only supplied as a hard macro in the target technology.

All feature configuration options to achieve the optimum balance of resource usage with throughput. The Cryptographic IP cores are available stand-alone or as AMBA APB/AHB or AXI bus interfaces.  The algorithms include:

  • CRYSTALS Kyber
  • CRYSTALS Dilithium
  • RSA
  • AES
  • SHA1/SHA2/SHA3
  • ChaCha20
  • Poly1305
  • SNOW3G

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eSi-PQC-HT is a post quantum ready Public Key Crypto HW acceleration library, optimized for networking applications.

eSi-PQC-HT supports the following cryptographic functions in a fully hardware architecture:
* CRYSTALS Kyber (ML-KEM) defined in FIPS203

* CRYSTALS  Dilithium (ML-DSA) defined in FIPS204

* ECDSA/ECC  for all NIST prime field curves defined in FIPS186-5

* SHA3/SHAKE operations defined in FIPS202;

The full hardware architecture is optimized for wired/wireless networking applications demanding high throughputs and low processing latency. It also makes the IP compatible with both SoC and simpler non-SoC chip architectures.

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Cryptographic Suite for Algebraic Lattices (CRYSTALS) encompasses two cryptographic primitives, Kyber, a secure KEM, and Dilithium, a strongly EUF-CMA-secure digital signature algorithm both selected by NIST as part their Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) standards. PQC are algorithms built to withstand attacks from quantum computers. As quantum computers advance, there is a real threat they will break the current public key-based cryptography used in today’s secure communications and financial transactions.


ECC is a public key cryptography approach that benefits from the same level of security as RSA but using a smaller key size.  Elliptic curves are commonly used in digital signatures for signing and verification.  To support signing and verification in hardware EnSilica has a dedicated Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) IP core in addition to the standard ECC IP core. eSi-Crypto includes a range of implementations for various use cases including a high throughput core suitable for use in application such as V2X communications.

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RSA is a public key cryptography standard that is widely used in smartcards, certificate authority servers, gateways and handheld devices.


The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is an encryption algorithm originally intended for securing sensitive but unclassified material by US Government agencies. Since its publication FIPS-197 (Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 197) it has been widely adopted by commercial and private organizations and included in many international standards, most notably 802.11 WLAN, IPsec and IEEE 1619 for hard disks

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The eSi-TRNG core provides convenient access to 256 bit blocks of true random numbers. Using an all digital architecture based on gathering entropy from many ring oscillators it is fully compliant with NIST 800-22. This IP is only provided as a hard macro in the target technology.


SHA is a family of hash algorithms designed by the National Security Agency (NSA) and published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) under FIPS-180-4 and FIPS-202.  It was originally designed to be a part of the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA).  SHA1 operates on 512-bit message blocks to update a 190-bit hash value.  This was enhanced under SHA2 for 224, 256 and higher hash lengths.  A new SHA3 algorithm has also be recently introduced covers by FIPS-202 standard.

EnSilica provides a sophisticated range of SHA related IP for use in ASIC or FPGA target technologies.  There are variants of each SHA family with either APB or AHB interfaces.

ChaCha20 & Poly1305

The ChaCha20 stream cipher and the Poly1305 authenticator are cryptographic algorithms designed by Daniel J. Bernstein with the aim of ensuring high-security margins, while achieving high performance with a low computational overhead.

Various RFCs promote the use and standardization of the ChaCha20 and Poly1305 in the TLS protocol.  The eSi-Crypto suite includes separate ChaCha20 and Poly1305 cores as well as a combined core which offers reduced silicon overhead when accelerating both of these algorithms in hardware.  These accelerators are targeted at ultra-low power secure web-server implementations using low-performance CPU cores.


Triple DES or 3DES is the common name for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm block cipher. This applies the DES cipher algorithm three times to each data block to overcome key size restrictions in the original DES cipher which opened it up to brute force attacks.

Although DES and specifically TDES are secure in practical applications the more modern AES is now commonly used instead. For legacy systems and backwards compatibility the DES and TDES are still commonplace and require hardware support for efficient calculation.

DES and TDES have been used since 1976 in commercial and US Government applications.