Case Study

Sensor interface for Mobile Phones

Provide edge processing and encryption in a mobile phone sensor interface IC, including the development of an FPGA prototype, meeting aggressive standby power requirements and developing custom analog blocks.

sensor interface case study
  •  32-bit processor with DSP extensions
  • Cryptographic accelerator hardware including AES,ECC,TRNG, SHA
  • AMBA peripherals include DMA, USB, I2C,  SPI, timers
  • Embedded Flash memory
  • Low-power memory in switchable banks
  • Multiple power domains including low-leakage thick oxide always-on domain
  • Custom analogue: to meet aggressive power targets :  sleep and normal mode LDOs, 160MHz Oscillator, 32KHz Oscillator, Glitch filter
  •  55nm eFlash
  • Full-Scan with test compression, MBIST and Boundary-Scan
  • Synopsys: DC Ultra, ICC, StarRC, Formality, PrimeTime-SI/PX
  • Cadence: Analog designer flow
  • Mentor: Questa, Questa CDC, Tessent and Calibre
  • Xilinx: FPGA based prototyping