UK Space Agency Awards EnSilica £10.38m for Satellite Broadband Terminal Chips

EnSilica (AIM: ENSI), a leading chip maker of mixed signal ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits), announces that it has been awarded funding from the UK Space Agency under its Connectivity in Low-Earth Orbit (“C-LEO”) programme. Following a competitive selection process, EnSilica has been awarded £10.38 million over the next three-years for a development project pioneered by EnSilica.


EnSilica put forward in its application a compelling business case, supported by letters of interest from potential lead customers, to develop a family of semiconductor chips to support future generations of best-in-class, highly integrated, mass market satellite broadband user terminals. The terminals will be capable of connecting with various satellite constellations and will leverage advanced semiconductor technology. In addition, the project will provide a resilient and secure source of chips which is independent and not tied to specific satellite service operators.


The market potential for satellite user terminals is growing rapidly, as demonstrated by Starlink, and is projected to reach c. US$16.5 billion by 20311. Each terminal requires hundreds of specialist chips to create an electronically steerable antenna.


The UK Space Agency’s C-LEO programme was launched last year and is designed to ensure that the UK space sector remains competitive in the rapidly evolving global market for low-earth orbit constellations. With a total funding pool of up to £160 million available over the next four years, the C-LEO programme supports the development of smarter satellites, enhanced hardware, AI-driven data delivery, and improved inter-satellite connections.


This new project builds on EnSilica’s successful history of collaboration with the UK Space Agency and the European Space Agency, alongside other key satellite communications partnerships and the company’s own investment in the technology.


Paul Morris, EnSilica VP RF and Comms Business Unit, commented: “This is a great opportunity to accelerate our chipset development enabling us to extend our portfolio of chips for the satellite broadband market with a focus on providing a complete solution for user terminals while reducing cost and power.  We are now engaged with the key European players and I’m sure this further backing from the UK Space Agency will help us garner global interest in the unique products we are developing.”


Ian Lankshear, EnSilica’s CEO, commented: “We are honoured and proud to have won this highly significant award from the UK Space Agency under the C-LEO programme, as we believe satellite communications is an incredibly important sector for EnSilica and one that is fast expanding globally. This funding will enable us to advance our technology and bring innovative solutions to the satellite broadband market, with the project expected to be hugely beneficial to society, offering resilient internet connectivity in times of crisis, as well as providing high speed internet connectivity in remote communities not well served by terrestrial networks. We welcome the ongoing support from the UK Space Agency, which provides the framework for EnSilica to develop the technology required to address a market worth many hundreds of millions.”


EnSilica joins TSMC Design Center Alliance

We are proud to announce that EnSilica has joined the TSMC Design Center Alliance (DCA). This significant achievement underscores our deep expertise in mixed signal and RF design, now combined with TSMC’s advanced technology to deliver unparalleled solutions to our mutual customers.

EnSilica is committed to providing high-performance ASIC solutions across the automotive, industrial, healthcare, and communications sectors using TSMC technologies. Whether you need high-quality full turnkey ASICs or a comprehensive range of services—from PDK access, design support, MPW shuttles, production tape-out, and wafer supply, to packaging, test development, qualification, and supply chain management—we are here to be your trusted IC Partner.

Read the full press release here.


EnSilica: Leading the Way in FinFET Technology

In the dynamic landscape of wireless communication, semiconductor innovations play a pivotal role. Among these, FinFET technology stands out as a game-changer. Let’s explore how FinFETs are shaping the future of 5G and satellite communication.

MIMO Systems: A Brief Overview

Deployment of 5G terrestrial and satellite communications relies heavily on the integration of Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems to meet the link budget requirements and mitigate interference.

Fin field-effect transistors (FinFETs), represent a departure from traditional planar transistors. Their three-dimensional fin-like structure allows for better control over current flow, reducing the leakage and improving power efficiency. This technology has been the key enabler for the design of highly integrated digital radio ASICs, based on RF ADCs and DACs, supporting multiple standards.

Key Changes with FinFETs

  1. Improved RF and Analog performance:
  • FinFETs exhibit superior Gm and Rout characteristic, which is paramount to implement the highly linear analog signal processing required in MIMO systems.
  • Excellent RF performance with fT values of 600GHz.
  • MIMO signals remain pristine even in challenging environments.
  1. Power Efficiency Boost:
  • The subthreshold slope of FinFET devices is practically ideal. This drastically reduces leakage current—the silent power drain—that has plagued semiconductor devices for years.
  • For 5G devices and satellite communication terminals, where power constraints are stringent, FinFET-based designs shine.


Design Challenges

Despite the improvements in performance, FinFET technology introduces complexity in the design that impact the work of engineers and their approach to RF ASICs.

Now more than ever analog designers, who delve into the intricacies of FinFET, need accurate modelling to ensure that their designs align with the theoretical predictions. Rigorous simulations validate performance metrics, allowing for confident deployment.

At the same time designers face a delicate balancing act. Performance, power consumption, and chip area—these factors intertwine. Effective trade-offs lead to optimized designs that meet real-world requirements.

Impact on Satellite Communication

  • Custom ASICs empower cost-effective, low-power satellite broadband user terminals.
  • These terminals, based on MIMO communication systems, enable seamless connectivity, even in remote areas. Collaborations with space agencies underscore the commitment to advancing satellite communication technology.
  • Hybrid satellite/5G networks are on the horizon, promising ubiquitous connectivity.

The journey through the FinFET landscape is one of innovation, precision, and impact. As we embrace the future of wireless communication, semiconductor advancements remain a beacon—a testament to human ingenuity.


For more in-depth insights, please refer to the full article in the Microwave Journal by EnSilica’s FinFET expert Gabriele Devita

EnSilica to supply beamforming SatCom ICs to Germany’s VITES to enable power- and cost-efficient flat panel terminals for NGSO-constellations

Focus on connectivity systems for moving vehicles. Initial applications include commercial and government land-based vehicles


EnSilica (AIM: ENSI), a leading turnkey supplier of mixed signal ASICs and SoCs, has announced it is to supply VITES with a new beamformer chip for satellite user terminals. VITES will use the chip at the heart of its new ViSAT-Ka-band terminal.

EnSilica’s beam-forming chip is optimised to enable VITES’s creation of power- and cost-efficient ground-based flat panel user terminals for satellite communication systems that can be used across a range of fixed and SatCom on the move (SOTM) applications.VITES specialises in broadband wireless systems for professional applications and has been delivering flat panel terminals based on its own phased array technology since 2019.

Its new ViSAT-Ka-band terminal is intended to be integrated into vehicles for Communications-on-the Move applications. As such it is able to track the movement of low earth orbit (LEO) and other non geo synchronous (NGSO) satellites and allows users to access high-speed connectivity anywhere on the planet while the vehicle is moving.

ViSAT-Ka uses an innovative scalable architecture that enables extremely power efficient TDD and FDD terminals at affordable prices. On this advanced technical base, VITES is developing terminals for both land-based and maritime vehicles of any kind, including for cost and power sensitive automotive applications.

This means that vehicles can access “Always on” broadband connections outside of 4G / 5G network coverage areas, with high throughput, and in an ultra-compact form factor that allows for both retro and line fitting.

Paul Morris, VP of the RF and communications business unit at EnSilica commented:

“EnSilica has been investing in this area for several years working closely with the UK Space Agency, European Space Agency and VITES GmbH. VITES have provided clear terminal requirements so we have been able to optimise our solution for the market. This beamformer chip can be paired with a range of Ka- and Ku-band RFICs including our own EN92030 allowing it to cover the various LEO or GEO constellations. “ 

Martin Gassner, CEO of VITES said:

“For the upcoming NGSO-constellations, quantum leap solutions are required in order to drive performance up, while driving cost and power consumption down. Our new ViSAT-Ka-Band terminals are the solution to these challenges. We’re delighted to be partnering with EnSilica and working closely with them on leading SOTM solutions that are delivering broadband connectivity even when there is no access to terrestrial networks.”


 Fig 1) The ViSAT-Ka-band terminal is intended to be integrated into vehicles for Communications-on-the Move.


Fig 2) Map showing 4G and 5G coverage in US and Germany, with significant areas not served by any operator. Copyright nPerf

For further information please contact:


EnSilica plc

Ian Lankshear, Chief Executive Officer

Via Vigo Consulting

+44 (0)20 7390 0233



Martin Gassner, Chief Executive Officer



+49 (0)89 6088 4600


Sonus PR (Technology Public Relations)

Rob Ashwell

+44 (0)7800 515 001


About EnSilica

EnSilica is a leading fabless design house focused on custom ASIC design and supply for OEMs and system houses, as well as IC design services for companies with their own design teams. The company has world-class expertise in supplying custom RF, mmWave, mixed signal and digital ICs to its international customers in the automotive, industrial, healthcare and communications markets. The company also offers a broad portfolio of core IP covering cryptography, radar, and communications systems. EnSilica has a track record of delivering high quality solutions to demanding industry standards. The company is headquartered near Oxford, UK and has design centres across the UK, in Bangalore, India and in Port Alegre, Brazil.



VITES GmbH (“VITES”) is an innovative German supplier of high-performance broadband wireless systems and customized solutions for professional applications. Main focus is the development of FPA-terminals for SATCOM-on-the-Move applications. These terminals are based on a power efficient active phased array technology, appropriate for any kind of vehicle, including governmental as well as commercial use.

In the areas of public safety, security and disaster management, VITES offers nomadic LTE-/5G- (ViCell) as well as broadband IP-Mesh-Networks (ViMesh). The brand vikomobil 2.0 represents complete customer specific mobile communication nodes (“cell on wheels”) that are energy autonomous and integrate SATCOM.

EnSilica und VITES kooperieren bei der Chipsatz-Entwicklung zur Realisierung energie- und kosteneffizienter Flat-Panel-Terminals für NGSO-Konstellationen

Fokus auf breitbandige SATCOM-Datenanbindung während der Fahrt. Erste Anwendungen umfassen kommerzielle Fahrzeuge und solche der Sicherheitsbehörden


EnSilica (AIM: ENSI), ein führender Anbieter von Mixed-Signal-ASICs und SoCs, gibt bekannt, die VITES GmbH mit einem neuen Beamforming-Chipsatz (elektronische Funkstrahl-Formung) für Satelliten-User-Terminals zu beliefern. VITES wird die ASIC-Entwicklung maßgeblich begleiten und den Chipsatz in seinen neuen ViSAT-Ka-Band-Terminals einsetzen.


Der Beamforming-Chipsatz von EnSilica ist daraufhin optimiert, energie- und kosteneffiziente, bodengestützte Flat-Panel-User-Terminals für Satellitenkommunikationssysteme realisieren zu können, die sich für ortsfeste SATCOM- und mobile SATCOM-on-the-Move-/Communications-on-the-Move Anwendungen eignen.

VITES ist auf Breitband-Funksysteme für professionelle Anwendungen spezialisiert und liefert seit 2019 Flat-Panel-Terminals auf Basis einer eigenen Phased-Array-Technologie.

Integriert in Fahrzeuge, ermöglicht das neue ViSAT-Ka-Band-Terminal der VITES die Konnektivität mit Satelliten während der Fahrt (Communications-on-the-Move, COTM). Das Terminal ist in der Lage, den Funkstrahl vollelektronisch auf die Bewegung von erdnahen Satelliten (LEO, Low Earth Orbit) und anderen nicht geosynchronen Satelliten (NGSO) nachzuführen. Nutzer erhalten damit einen schnellen Netzwerkzugang überall auf der Welt, auch während der Fahrt.

ViSAT-Ka basiert auf einer skalierbaren Architektur, die sehr energieeffiziente TDD- und FDD-Terminals zu erschwinglichen Preisen ermöglicht. Auf dieser fortschrittlichen technischen Basis entwickelt VITES Terminals für Land- und Seefahrzeuge aller Art – auch für kostensensitive Automotive-Anwendungen, die zudem eine sehr geringe Verlustleistung erfordern.

Mit dieser Technologie haben Fahrzeuge auch außerhalb der 4G-/5G-Netzabdeckung Zugang zu „Always-on“-Breitbandverbindungen mit hohem Durchsatz – und das in einer sehr flachen, kompakten Formgebung, die sich gleichermaßen für Nachrüstungen, als auch für die Fahrzeug-Erstausrüstung ab Werk eignet.

Paul Morris, VP der RF and Communications Business Unit bei EnSilica, dazu:

„EnSilica investiert seit mehreren Jahren in diesen Bereich und arbeitet eng mit der UK Space Agency, der European Space Agency und der VITES GmbH zusammen. VITES hat klare Anforderungen für die Beamforming-Chips geliefert, so dass wir unsere Lösung für den Markt optimieren konnten. Der Chipsatz lässt sich mit Ka- und Ku-Band-RFICs kombinieren, einschließlich unserem EN92030 Ka-band-Chip, so dass er die verschiedenen LEO- oder GEO-Konstellationen abdeckt.“ 

Martin Gassner, CEO von VITES, fügte hinzu:

„Für die kommenden NGSO-Konstellationen sind Terminals erforderlich, die in Bezug auf Performance, Energieeffizienz und Herstellungskosten einen Quantensprung darstellen. Diese Anforderungen erfüllen wir mit unseren neuen ViSAT-Ka-Band-Terminals. Wir freuen uns über die Partnerschaft mit EnSilica und die Zusammenarbeit bei der Entwicklung von COTM-Lösungen, die Breitbandverbindungen auch dort ermöglichen, wo es keinen Zugang zu terrestrischen Netzen gibt.“

Bild 1: Das ViSAT-Ka-Band-Terminal misst je nach Version zwischen ca. 16 x 10 cm und 50 x 30 cm und ist für den Einbau in Fahrzeuge für Communications-on-the-Move vorgesehen


Bild 2: 4G- und 5G-Abdeckung in Deutschland, wobei wesentliche Gebiete von keinem Betreiber versorgt werden (Quelle: nPerf).

Kontakt für weitere Informationen:


EnSilica plc

Ian Lankshear, Chief Executive Officer

Via Vigo Consulting

+44 (0)20 7390 0233



Martin Gassner, Chief Executive Officer



+49 (0)89 6088 4600


Sonus PR (Technology Public Relations)

Rob Ashwell

+44 (0)7800 515 001


Über EnSilica

EnSilica ist ein führendes Fabless-Design-Unternehmen, das sich auf kundenspezifisches ASIC-Design für Erstausrüster (OEMs) und Systemhäuser sowie auf IC-Designdienstleistungen für Firmen mit eigener IC-Entwicklung konzentriert. Das Unternehmen besitzt erstrangige Erfahrungen in der Entwicklung kundenspezifischer HF-, mmWave-, Mixed-Signal- und Digital-ICs für internationale Kunden in den Bereichen Automotive, Industrie, Gesundheitswesen und Kommunikation. Darüber hinaus bietet das Unternehmen ein breites Spektrum an Kern-IP für Kryptographie, Radar und Kommunikationssysteme. EnSilica hat umfangreiche Erfahrung in der Lieferung qualitativ hochwertiger Dienstleistungen, die anspruchsvolle Industrienormen erfüllen. Das Unternehmen hat seinen Hauptsitz in der Nähe von Oxford, Großbritannien, und verfügt über Entwicklungszentren in ganz Großbritannien, in Bangalore, Indien, und in Port Alegre, Brasilien.


Die VITES GmbH („VITES“) ist ein innovativer deutscher Anbieter hochleistungsfähiger Breitband-Funksysteme und kundenspezifischer Lösungen für professionelle Anwendungen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Entwicklung von Flat-Panel-Terminals für Communications-on-the-Move-Anwendungen. Diese Terminals basieren auf einer energieeffizienten aktiven Phased-Array-Technologie, die für jede Art von Fahrzeugen geeignet ist, sowohl für den kommerziellen Einsatz als auch bei Sicherheitsbehörden.

Im Bereich öffentliche Sicherheit und Katastrophenschutz bietet VITES nomadische LTE-/5G- (ViCell) als auch breitbandige IP-Mesh-Netze (ViMesh) an. Die Marke vikomobil 2.0 steht für mobile energieautarke Mobilfunkknoten („Mobilfunkzelle auf Rädern“) die zusätzlich SATCOM integrieren.

Image of smart watch

EnSilica evaluation platform for EN62020 sensor interface ASIC speeds up development of wearable fitness and healthcare sensor devices

EnSilica evaluation platform for EN62020 sensor interface ASIC speeds up development of wearable fitness and healthcare sensor devices


Evaluation platform supports wide range of sensors for battery powered medical and fitness devices including ECG, PPG, temperature and optical signals, including for NIR spectroscopy


Oxford, UK – 12 April 2023 – EnSilica (LON:ENSI), a leading ASIC and mixed signal chip maker, has released an evaluation platform to speed up the development of wearable fitness and healthcare vital-sign monitoring systems.


EnSilica’s EN62020 ultra low power healthcare sensor interface ASIC, supports a variety of vital sign measurements. These include ECG, PPG (Heart rate, Oxygen Saturation SpO2), temperature. The optical interface to LEDs and photodiodes can also be used for near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), and the monitoring of chemical substances in the blood, such as glucose.



The size and power-optimised design of the EN62020 makes the device well-suited to compact healthcare devices, patches, and sports / fitness devices. The highly sensitive capacitive sensor interface also makes the device well suited for novel MEMS sensors.


The ASIC incorporates multiple analogue front ends (AFEs) including:

  • Two differential ECG sensor channels suitable for 3-lead ECG with <2.5µVrms noise levels and CMRR of 70dB@50/100Hz
  • A highly sensitive capacitive sensor channel
  • A temperature sensor (35-45oC, <0.15oC resolution)
  • Two photodiode drivers/photodetector readouts with SNR over 70dB and Read-out dynamic range of 105dB
  • The device can also interface to other optical or current sensors, such as fluorescent glucose probes


Designed to work alongside an edge processor, or a communication device, the EN62020 uses a single 1.2 – 3.6V supply, has a flexible IO voltage and consumes as low as ~10µA per AFE.


The evaluation platform comes with a 10cm x 10cm evaluation board fitted with an EN62020, an MCU interface board for PC connection, and a graphical user interface (GUI) software for the control of EN62020.


The evaluation platform is available from the EnSilica website EN62020 request form.


It is also available via EnSilica partners Cedar Technologies (Europe) and QLS (North America).

ESA and UK Space Agency back EnSilica to develop satellite broadband chip

EnSilica to develop satellite communications chip for next generation user terminals


Oxford, UK – 17 February 2023EnSilica (AIM:ENSI), a leading ASIC and mixed signal chip maker, has announced a contract to develop a new chip to address the next generation of mass market satellite broadband user terminals.

The contract has been awarded through the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems Core Competitiveness programme (“ARTES CC”), through the support of the UK Space Agency.

The chip in development will enable a new generation of lower-cost, low-power satellite broadband user terminals, which track the relative movement of low-earth orbit satellites and allow users to access high bandwidth connectivity when out of reach of terrestrial networks.

Use cases include satellite communication-on-the-move (SOTM) for automotive, maritime, and aerospace connectivity as well as extending broadband access to users without internet access.

Dietmar Schmitt, Head of Technologies & Products Division at ESA, said ESA is pleased to continue our collaboration with EnSilica through the ARTES Core Competitiveness programme and to support this important technology development, which will facilitate the provision of high capacity connectivity across a wide range of use cases.”

Henny Sands, Head of Telecoms at the UK Space Agency, described EnSilica’s satellite broadband user terminals chip as “a brilliant example of the diversity of expertise in the UK’s leading satellite communications sector.”

He added: “Through the ARTES CC programme the UK Space Agency aims to champion UK companies that have the right expertise and ambition to become global players in this market and lead on ground-breaking technologies that will enhance the wider UK space sector, create jobs and generate further investment. That’s why we recently announced £50 million of funding for ambitious and innovative projects that will supercharge the UK’s satellite communications industry.”

Paul Morris, VP RF and Communications BU, commented: “We are delighted to be continuing our successful partnerships with both UK Space Agency and ESA to further develop innovative semiconductor solutions for the next generation of satellite broadband user terminals.”

About EnSilica

EnSilica is a leading fabless design house focused on custom ASIC design and supply for OEMs and system houses, as well as IC design services for companies with their own design teams. The company has world-class expertise in supplying custom RF, mmWave, mixed signal and digital ICs to its international customers in the automotive, industrial, healthcare and communications markets. The company also offers a broad portfolio of core IP covering cryptography, radar, and communications systems. EnSilica has a track record in delivering high quality solutions to demanding industry standards. The company is headquartered near Oxford, UK and has design centres across the UK and in India and Brazil.

About ESA’S ARTES Core Competitiveness Programme

ESA’s ARTES (Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems) programme is unique in Europe and aims to support the competitiveness of European and Canadian industry on the world market. Core Competitiveness is dedicated to the development, qualification and demonstration of products (“Competitiveness and Growth”), or long-term technology development (“Advanced Technology”). Products in this context can be equipment for the platform or payload of a satellite, a user terminal, or a full telecom system integrating a network with its space segment.

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EnSilica growth continues with new Bristol ASIC design office

EnSilica has opened a new design centre in Bristol


Extends recruitment drive following period of strong growth

Oxford, UK – October 26, 2022 – EnSilica has today opened a new design centre in Bristol. The office, its fourth in the UK, will open with a staff of 14 highly-experienced engineers and a particular focus on advanced node ASIC design.

The new office opens following a period of significant growth, and Bristol chosen for its heritage, its university links and the quality of life offered by the city.

The company is now looking to expand both in Bristol and its other offices across the UK, initiating a recruitment drive both graduate and senior levels.

The design cente joins EnSilica’s existing headquarters and design facility near Oxford, and a design centre in Sheffield. The company also has a specialist centre in Bangalore, India and a design facility in Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil.

EnSilica’s VP of SoC Engineering and head of the Bristol office, Davide Sarta said:

The city was a natural choice for us as we go through this period of significant growth. The city is home to one of the UK’s largest electronics hubs. The university is a leading centre of excellence for electronics. And the quality of life that the city offers means that many of those we’re hoping to employ will want to be there.

EnSilica is a former winner of the Queen’s Award for International Trade; and has been ranked in the top 5 in the Sunday Times Lloyds SME Export Track 100, and regularly wins awards for its engineering.

The company recently reported its first financials since its successful IPO in May, with 77% year-on-year revenue growth.

EnSilica is looking to recruit engineers in analogue, physical, system-level design, DFT and verification across UK at both graduate and more-senior levels.


About EnSilica

EnSilica is a leading fabless chipmaker focused on custom ASIC for OEMs and system houses, as well as IC design services for companies with their own design teams. The company has world-class expertise in supplying custom RF, mmWave, mixed signal and digital ICs to its international customers in the automotive, industrial, healthcare and communications markets. The company also offers a broad portfolio of core IP covering cryptography, radar, and communications systems. EnSilica has a track record in delivering high quality solutions to demanding industry standards. The company is headquartered near Oxford, UK and has design centres across the UK and in India and Brazil.